Thursday, December 07, 2006

Medicine not Mascara

The other big change that biomedical engineering could bring to our world is in the design of dressing tables that we have at home.
The future of cosmetics is about inner glow. It is more about internal beauty treatment and therapy and not as much about a beauty parlour or the many skin creams and packs. With the advent of medicines and medical procedures that help bring back & retain youthful skin and a lot more, we might not after all need so many things on the dressing table.
This along with the persistent desire to flaunt natural look would take people to beauty technologists and therapists rather than beauticians. (Read about multiple segments in medical care in the post ‘Is life saving different from life extending?’)
Beauty just might end up being more about what you eat and which medico-beauty procedure you can afford rather than what you wear or what you apply.


Anonymous said...

Very nice post Saurabh.

Its more about the "inside-out" beauty regime than the "outside-in" process which has been predominant all along.

Unknown said...

Good thought Saurabh. I cant agree more :)